There is a difference between a response and a reaction. It is as clear of a distinction between Hillcrest Medical Center Safety and Security Director and Chief Security Officer Jesse Millan and fictional character Barney Phife, the deputy sheriff in the Andy Griffith Show whose framed photograph hangs on the wall of Jesse’s office. “It is a daily reminder of what not to be,” says Jesse of the alarmist, emotional and often inept law enforcement image Barney portrays. Responding, instead of reacting, to crisis and emergency situations is the foundation of Jesse’s 24 year career in hospital... Read More »

In many ways, Nat Torkelson’s, MS, RN, career in nursing has been a lifelong pursuit. In her office on the campus of Hillcrest Medical Center, where she serves as the administrative director of cardiovascular services at Oklahoma Heart Institute, a collection of neatly situated items speaks to her 45 years of service – framed degrees, employee art and a photo album of co-workers from the past she received as a gift, are among a few. Classical music plays in the background as she recalls her earliest memories playing with her sisters and neighborhood friends. Nat was always the nurse. “... Read More »

Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the United States, and there are many disorders patients may suffer from after having a stroke. One disorder is called dysphagia, which is a swallowing disorder that may occur in up to 65 percent of stroke patients. Dysphagia causes difficulty swallowing and, in some cases, patients find it impossible to swallow.
Kaiser Rehabilitation Center speech pathologist, Demetra Pinos, prefers to work with patients who have swallowing disorders. Demetra has been working at Kaiser for over 20 years. She took interest in this field after growing up... Read More »

As summer draws near, health care providers remind us to be aware of our exposure to mosquitoes. This is a common concern for the season, but this year a new focus has emerged: the Zika virus. Utica Park Clinic recently explored Zika and how it can be transmitted on their blog. In addition to being aware of what Zika is and how it can spread, it’s also important to know more about how to prevent it to protect you and your family.
The first line of defense recommended to guard against mosquitoes is insect repellent. A recent study conducted by Consumer Reports tested the... Read More »

It is hard to imagine that you or someone you know could go through an experience that would require the services of a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), but knowing the first steps to take after you or a loved one is a victim of rape or domestic violence is vital. The nurses involved with the SANE program are certified to provide rape and domestic violence exams to patients who have been assaulted. Hillcrest is the only health system in Tulsa County that offers this program. The SANE program at Hillcrest Medical Center was established in 1991 and is available 24 hours a day every day... Read More »

When you ask Tulsa artist Chris Mantle, who has become known for his stunningly beautiful paintings of buffaloes, “Why do you paint the buffalo?” the simple question is not followed by a simple answer. “Have you heard unicorns mentioned in the Bible?” Chris replies with a question. Ponder that for a minute. If you are not familiar with the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, then you may not have run across the nine mentions of a unicorn dotting scripture as a gentle, yet strong animal. “When I was reading the Bible front to back, I came across unicorns. They were so graceful. They... Read More »

When you work in health care, you always have patients you will never forget. For Hope Robertson, MSW, a social worker in case management on the oncology floor at Hillcrest Medical Center, it was a patient who said, “Here she comes again, Little Miss Sunshine.” Exasperated by her diagnosis and hospitalization, the patient was understandably frustrated. Each day, Hope would visit her to see if there was anything she needed. Adapting as Hope does with each patient to meet their needs emotionally, as well as logistically, a connection developed. “We went from her saying that to, ‘When are you... Read More »

If you are familiar with the signs of a stroke – one side of the face drooping, weakness in the arms and difficulty speaking – then you know it is important to seek immediate medical attention. When patients arrive at emergency departments exhibiting these symptoms, patients, family and emergency medical personnel think of stroke first and begin treatment as quickly as possible. Time is brain when a stroke strikes. However, Medical Director of the Oklahoma Stroke & Neurological Institute at Hillcrest Medical Center Andre Fredieu, M.D., said there is reason to pause if something doesn’t... Read More »