
Around the world, October 29 is recognized as World Stroke Day. We spoke to Dr. Fredieu, the Medical Director of the Oklahoma Stroke & Neurological Institute at Hillcrest about the importance of knowing the signs and symptoms of strokes, preventative measures and risk factors, and how important increasing awareness around stroke is worldwide.

What is a stroke?

Dr. Fredieu shares some preventative measures that can be taken day-to-day to help prevent stroke. “First, you have to recognize what a stroke is. A stroke is different from a heart attack in that the majority of the time... Read More »

Marisela and Ruby share the same challenging experience of having breast cancer, but they also share the same family and support that got them through very difficult times. Their story spans three generations and begins with Marisela’s aunt who passed away from breast cancer many years ago; her cancer had spread too much before it was detected. It was a tragedy that created many new relationships and life-long bonds that would prove to be invaluable in the years to come.

Marisela and her daughter Jessica have always been diligent about getting regular mammograms. But it wasn’t until... Read More »

October 14 – 20 is Healthcare Security and Safety Week and here at Hillcrest Medical Center, we’d like to recognize our security and safety team for all of their hard work and for keeping us safe on a daily basis. Jesse Millan, our Safety and Security Director shared with us how he became the Safety and Security director as well as several things that go into safety and security that you may not be aware of.

Jesse first thought about getting into security “back in the day”, where he describes seeing a security officer sitting in a car, reading a newspaper. Looking out the window... Read More »

Ladies, this one’s for you! Wednesday September 26th is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day! This is a great day to focus on your health and feel like the Wonder Women you are! Making your health and fitness a priority can be so empowering! Life can sometimes seem too busy or hectic to put the focus on yourself and what you need, so I’ve gathered a few tips that can hopefully make things a little bit easier.

·         Eat some superfoods!-  You may not be Superwoman (well not every day), but you can feel super by eating superfoods. We’re talking spinach, apples, turnips, berries... Read More »

It’s back to school season and drivers need to be extra alert as children walk and bike to school. Whether you are taking your kids to school or just driving through a school zone, you can do your part to keep kids safe. For the month of August, the Hillcrest Safety team would like to remind employees and motorists of these Back-To-School safety tips:

Reminders for drivers: • Slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods and school zones • Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs • Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and... Read More »

When you think of golf you think it is played by people riding around in motorized carts, so how much exercise could you possibly get? The World Golf Foundation surprisingly estimates that golfers who walk an 18-hole course clock about 5 miles and burn up to 2,000 calories. That can be a very grueling workout, especially this time of the year! If you’ve ever spent a day out on the course you know this to be true and know the stiff, sore feeling you have the next day. There are ways to strengthen and loosen your muscles that will better your swing and increase flexibility. Here are a few... Read More »

Two of the most frequent causes of vehicle accidents and injuries (distracted driving and driving while drowsy) are also two of the most preventable causes.

Cell Phone Distractions

Each year over 330,000 accidents caused by texting while driving lead to severe injuries. Driving and cell phone conversations both require a great deal of thought. When doing them at the same time, your brain is unable to do either well. Even when talking hands-free, drivers can miss seeing up to half of what's around them because they are engaged in a cell phone conversation. This often... Read More »

June is National Safety Month and week two focuses on the benefits of wellness.

According to Hillcrest Medical Center’s Safety Manager, Bobby Benn, “Start by doing some small things like taking a 15-minute walk in the sunshine. It can make a huge difference in how you feel and act towards others.” Developing healthy behaviors is more easily accomplished by establishing better habits, in small steps. Below are seven tips to help you create better habits that can help make healthy actions automatic.

Set Small Goals

Starting with a huge goal can be incredibly overwhelming... Read More »