
Hillcrest Medical Center is proud to serve the members of Tulsa and surrounding communities. We know you have put your health in our hands and we don’t take that responsibility lightly. 

We are always working to improve the care we provide so that our patients feel safe in our facility. One of our most recent efforts has focused on decreasing in-hospital patient falls. Patients may experience a fall in the hospital for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, weakness after surgery or sudden urge to use the restroom... Read More »

With summer months around the corner, so can be snake bites. Here is what to do, and not to do, if you get a snake bite, according to Bo Burns, D.O. FACEP, who practices at Hillcrest:

What to do:

• Get a safe distance away from the snake after a suspected bite before reevaluating.

• Examine your skin or footwear for bite marks.

• Pain, swelling, bruising, bleeding are signs of a snake bite as is a metallic taste in your mouth... Read More »

Kara Walsh and her husband, Hayden, have been through a remarkable journey over the past several months. Now the couple can enjoy their recently expanded family of six.


On April 28, Walsh delivered a natural set of triplets via c-section at Hillcrest Medical Center (HMC). Naturally conceived triplets occur in about one and every 10,000 pregnancies. Two of those babies, boys named Colson and Remington, were diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. TTTS is a pregnancy condition that affects approximately 5-15%... Read More »

Each year nearly 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

That averages out to one stroke victim every 40 seconds.

Not every stroke is accompanied by the same signs, which was the case with Judy Harris. But, thanks to her treatment through the Oklahoma Stroke & Neurological Institute and Kaiser Rehabilitation Center at Hillcrest, Harris finds her situation improving day-by-day.

In mid-March,... Read More »

Hannah Brown has an appreciation for what she’s witnessed throughout the pandemic, a perspective the high schooler and budding artist reflected in her mural that will be on display for all of Tulsa to see.

Brown, a 15 year old who attends Jenks Freshman Academy, won a community-wide art contest by Hillcrest Medical Center and her work debuted at the hospital during National Hospital Week.

“I think it’s really cool because so many people are going to see it,” said Brown, who also received a... Read More »

Stroke signs can be difficult to self-diagnose for any individual.

Claremore resident Pat Simpson needed a newspaper story to expose her underlying health scare.

In late January 2020, Simpson returned home after an evening out.

“I usually just go back and watch my TV,” Simpson said of her typical routine.

But on this evening, she grabbed a newspaper article that had previously caught her attention and began to read out loud. Her husband, a former nurse... Read More »

Congratulations to Tim Wahl, RN, from Hillcrest Medical Center for being named one of nine finalists in the @tulsaworld Celebrate Nurse’s Day contest! Wahl was among more than 80 nominations around Green Country.

Jeffrey Dixon, M.D., has been an eyewitness to a wide array of remarkable patient outcomes as the medical director of the Hillcrest Medical Center emergency room. But Michele Presley’s case will always stand out in Dixon’s mind like it happened yesterday, even seven months after he met the Tahlequah resident.

“I’ve run across a lot of patients,” Dixon said. “But you don’t forget cases like hers.”

On the morning of Sept. 18, 2020, just before 8 a.m., Presley arrived at Hillcrest. She had a... Read More »