The Center for Diabetes Management at Hillcrest is accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Educators. Recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work for diabetes management, our team of highly trained dietitians and nurses work with each patient to tailor a program that includes healthy eating, physical activity, self-blood glucose monitoring, taking medications, problem-solving, healthy coping and reducing risks to fit his or her lifestyle. Whether you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes or have been long ago, turn to our accredited and devoted staff to help living with diabetes better for you. Let’s do this together!
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other foods we eat into energy to be used by the body.
Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a type of diabetes that develops only during pregnancy between 24-48 weeks of gestation. About one in every 20 pregnant women develops GDM. GDM starts when your body is not able to produce and use all the insulin it needs for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed to energy. Glucose then builds up in the blood to high levels.
The body stops making insulin. If this happens, you will need to take insulin injections to live and be healthy. Type 1 diabetes happens most often in children and adults under 30 years old but may occur at any age.
The pancreas makes insulin, but the insulin cannot be used properly or it may not make enough. Type 2 diabetes most often occurs in adults at any age, but also occurs in children. Type 2 is often hereditary. Insulin resistance happens when the body cells block the insulin from moving the glucose into the cell. Insulin resistance is the body’s inability to use the insulin the body makes. With insulin resistance, glucose builds up in the bloodstream. Over time, the pancreas may tire out and lose its ability to make enough insulin. High blood glucose is not healthy for the eyes, feet, kidneys, nerves and hearts, especially if it continues for a long time. What can a person do to reduce insulin resistance? Keep it simple. Move more. Eat less.
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) helps track your glucose levels at regular intervals 24/7. This system will alert you if your levels get too high or too low.
Group classes or one-on-one support sessions allow patients to learn the skills they need to take control of their diabetes, lower their A1c and live healthier lives. We offer group classes and individual appointments at Hillcrest Medical Center. We also offer individual appointments at Hillcrest Hospital Claremore.
These sessions are one-on-one with a registered dietitian and generally last about one hour. Primary topics discussed are weight loss, healthy eating, portion control and the importance of exercise.
These sessions consist of two classes, both taught by a registered nurse and a registered dietitian. These classes are scheduled one week apart; the first class is four hours long and includes a learning lunch and the second class is three and a half hours long. Class topics include healthy eating, exercise, acute and chronic complications, problem-solving, goal setting and ongoing support planning. We emphasize blood glucose monitoring as well as provide and train the patient on a glucometer if they do not already have one. We also discuss all medications and encourage healthy lifestyle behavior change.
With individual appointments, we can create a specific care plan for the patient and focus on individual needs and concerns. We tailor each and every appointment to meet the needs of the patient and/or the physician requests. Topics can be similar to the type 2 diabetes class topics as well as include weight loss, reducing cholesterol, insulin to carb ratio, specific carb counting, specialized meal plans, portion control, medication timing, continuous glucose monitoring studies, etc.
An insulin pump is a small computerized device that takes the place of your pancreas. This device delivers a continuous dose of insulin in two ways – small doses of insulin in a steady measured dose (basal rate) and “on demand” (bolus dose) around mealtimes.
Depending on what type of diabetes you have, insulin and oral medications may play a role in your treatment.
Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and participating in regular activity are important factors in managing diabetes.
Scheduling an Appointment or Class
- A provider referral is required. Ask your physician to fax a referral.
- After we receive your physician’s referral, our staff will confirm your insurance benefits then call you to schedule an appointment. Many insurance plans including Medicaid and Medicare cover these services for their members.
- We offer group classes and individual appointments at Hillcrest Medical Center. We also offer individual appointments at Hillcrest Hospital Claremore.
Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 918-579-3385.
Center for Diabetes Management
1265 S. Utica Ave., Suite 100
Tulsa, OK 74104
(P) 918-579-3385 (F) 918-550-6016