Barbara Mudd went in for her routine mammogram at Hillcrest South in early June 2019. When she received a call to return for a follow-up, she wasn’t immediately concerned, as she had been an active marathon walker for over 10 years and had no health problems.
Nonetheless, when she received the results of her mammogram, she was shocked. The mammogram revealed a small tumor in her breast tissue that hadn’t previously been detected. After a biopsy of the abnormal tissue, Mudd was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer: stage 1B, triple negative breast cancer, which is a form that does not respond to hormone therapy.
Despite receiving this diagnosis, Mudd kept a positive outlook from the start. “I didn’t want to panic,” Mudd recalled. “Now that I know I have it, I just want to get it treated.”
Alongside her team of talented medical professionals, Mudd immediately formulated a plan of action for treatment. She received a lumpectomy on July 3, 2019 that was performed by a Utica Park Clinic breast surgeon and she consults with her oncologist, Laura Kyle Brett, M.D., on a regular basis.
Though the prospect of treatment is daunting, Mudd has nothing but amazing things to say about her experience. “Their whole team has been incredible, from the office staff, to my team of doctors and nurses,” Mudd said. “You just feel like you’re their only patient.”
Mudd made some significant changes to her daily routine, which included more doctor’s visits, less time out in public and with her walking group. However, she cannot stress enough the support she has received not only from her Hillcrest team, but also her family, who has been her most vital support system throughout this process.
While she still has obstacles ahead of her, Mudd says she is feeling healthy and wants to remain as active as possible. Outside of marathon walking, her favorite activity is spending time with her three grandchildren.
Mudd is incredibly grateful that the team at Hillcrest was so quick in moving forward with diagnosis and treatment, and she is glad she stayed up-to-date with her annual exams. Her biggest piece of advice?
“Never miss your mammogram.”
To schedule your 3D mammogram, contact the Chapman Breast Center at 918-579-8083.